Whether you are currently a commercial gym owner or plan to be one day, you know that the right gym equipment makes all the difference when it comes to your gym.

There are a ton of factors that go into a well-run gym. Things like well-trained, welcoming coaches and staff, clean facilities, amenities like saunas, showers, and even pools, and we certainly can't forget about the price. 

However, when it comes down to it, your members are paying for a gym that allows them to workout and help them achieve their fitness goals. This is achieved by using gym equipment. All of the other factors are necessary and some are even critical, but without the proper commercial gym equipment, you don’t have a gym. 

When we talk about commercial gyms in this article, we are not only talking about most gym facilities like Crunch Fitness, Gold’s Gym, or your local gym down the road. We are also talking about apartment and hotel gyms, college on-campus gyms, and high school and college sports weight rooms. 

You know your equipment matters, but with so many options where do you even start?

Well, we are glad you are here. Let’s break down wholesale gym equipment and give you the tips you need to buy the best wholesale gym equipment for your commercial gym.


Why Wholesale Fitness Equipment?

1. More Options

Wholesale gym equipment is just gym equipment bought from a wholesaler.

You can also think of it as “buying in bulk.” Because you are buying from a wholesaler, you are going to have a wide variety of options - both new and used gym equipment. You will often find everything from cardio machines to strength training equipment to dumbbells to machines you have never seen before. Who knows maybe your gym has been missing out on a key piece of gym equipment only because you didn’t know it existed. 

The more options the better for you.

This allows you to specifically target equipment your gym needs. With more options, you can assemble the commercial gym equipment package you need, and more importantly - the equipment your members need. 


2. Cheaper

Wholesalers sell directly to commercial gyms - both new and used gym equipment. The buying process is entirely unlike if you went up to Dick’s Sporting Goods or Academy Sports, and bought a power rack or treadmill for your home gym. In this situation, you are paying the retail price for one piece of equipment for your home gym. In the wholesale fitness equipment industry, you are looking to fill parts of a commercial gym or even an entire gym. Because of this, you can get much better prices. You also will primarily be looking at wholesale gym equipment designed for commercial use.

Equipment at your local sporting goods store will simply not last in a commercial gym. It is not designed for the volume of use that is typical in a commercial gym. 

Basically, just like most things in life, because you are buying in bulk you can expect discounted rates.

This is huge for you as a gym owner, meaning more money in your pocket, money for coaches and staff, or money to upgrade other parts of the gym. 


What Should I Consider Before Buying Wholesale Gym Equipment?


If you are a commercial gym owner or soon to be one day, you know that wholesale gym equipment is the way to go. But, should you just jump in and buy whatever looks like it can give you the biggest pump? Sadly, no.

Here are some things you definitely want to consider before purchasing any fitness equipment. 


1. Space

Let’s start with an obvious one.

If you are buying for a hotel gym, chances are eight power racks, two leg press machines, and a full set of dumbbells up to 150 lbs. won’t fit.

I know, I know, I’m sad too, but the reality is that some gyms are small and some pieces of equipment take up quite a lot of space. Even if you are building out a 10,000-square-foot-plus facility, you still want to consider floor space.

You need to ask yourself what equipment is a priority and where should it go.

We can answer the first question - “What equipment is a priority,” next. 


2. Gym Population

This is the best way to decide what gym equipment you need to purchase.

Are you opening a high school weight room?

Great, you will definitely need dumbbells, benches, barbells, bumper weight plates, and power racks.

Are you opening a standard commercial gym?

Cool, look for treadmills, dumbbells, barbells, cable machines, and ellipticals, among other pieces of exercise equipment.

Apart of determining your gym population needs is looking to the past - what is traditionally common in hotel gym facilities? What would you expect to see in a fitness studio? These answers are going to vary significantly from a powerlifting gym. One of your primary jobs as a gym owner is choosing equipment that your members want and also need.

This is where you can try and be a little bit forward-thinking. 

The world of fitness is constantly evolving and changing, so don’t just buy wholesale gym equipment that all gyms are buying. The average gym-goer shows up and follows a workout they found online or even just begins working out with equipment they see when they show up. This is actually a really cool opportunity for you as a gym owner to look into what types of exercises people need to be doing but probably aren’t.

Of course, you are going to need to have all the basics covered for your gym population - and definitely don’t take the preacher curls out - but maybe consider ordering some pieces of exercise equipment that will push and encourage your members to try new things - safely of course.

One of my favorites, if you have room, is the sled.

Adding movements like sled pulls, drags, and lateral walks are great for every fitness level. 


3. Cost 

Cost is a huge factor when it comes to commercial gym equipment. Of course, you have the initial cost, but there are other costs to consider as well.

The biggest one is the lifetime cost of the equipment.

Are you buying cheap equipment that will solve a short-term need or are you buying quality equipment that will last many years? There is no doubt that gym equipment gets beat up, so choosing quality equipment is key here, even if its used exercise equipment.

You are going to pay for quality fitness equipment one way or the other, whether upfront or replacing it down the road. 

Be sure to consider maintenance costs as well. Gym equipment like weight plates and kettlebells require almost no upkeep, however, a high-tech treadmill or a cable machine will certainly require more maintenance - meaning more hours for employees, more parts, and ultimately more cost. 

Who Should I Buy From?

You want to buy wholesale gym equipment from a wholesaler you trust.

Do your research, read reviews, and talk to other gym owners in order to figure out the best option for you. 

Remember this is a huge decision for the success of your gym, so take your time and ask questions, after all the company you buy from should be fitness equipment experts. May you have all the gains, fat loss, PRs, and appreciation of your members!



Heinz, Tracey. “3 Steps for Comparing Wholesale Gym Equipment.” RDX Sports Wholesale,

“The Ultimate Guide to Buying Wholesale Fitness Equipment - JusBFit Fitness Equipment.” JusBFit - Fitness Equipment, 31 August 2023,


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Starting a new facility close to Minneapolis.

Would like to visit with someone about it.



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