Gabi, America's Strongest woman, stops by today during Fitcon to talk her legacy in Strongman, competing for a title, memes, nutrition, and the infamous belt clean controversy, among other things. She also talks about competing and women in weightlifting a bit, in seeking to model a strong woman to other women who are interested in weightlifting. It was a great interview, and a lot of laughs had by all!
Check out Gabi on Instagram at @gabi_theaustrianoaktress
The FreedomCast Podcast was started by a guy buying and selling fitness equipment in his backyard. In less than a year, I quit my full-time job, and started a fitness empire. I now interview unique and interesting entrepreneurs in the health and fitness industry who have built businesses around helping others become more active. It's fun, it's entertaining, it's informative, it's what fitness should be.
FreedomCast is supported by Freedom Fitness Equipment, based in the Charlotte, North Carolina!
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FreedomCast Episode 16: Gabriele Burgholzer, America's Strongest Woman

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