
I’m an equipped lifter so I undoubtedly love me some equipment. Here are my top 10 must-haves in no particular order:

  1. Wrist wraps.

Protect those mitts! I use wrist wraps for a lot of things including accessories. For my heavy benching, Anderson Powerlifting KLA-5000s are my go-to. For accessories and lighter work, I use my KLA 3500s. They have more stretch and aren’t as stiff, so the support is there but not it’s not overkill.

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  1. Belt.

I want ALL the intra-abdominal pressure. A belt helps me create IAP. It provides me valuable tactile feedback when I’m using it to create the most tension I possibly can when lifting to maintain proper brace and form. I also have a sentimental attachment to my belt. I have a few powerlifters in the family. My uncle dug his old belt out and gave it to me. It’s beautiful. I have no idea what brand it is but the craftsmanship on it is second to none and it’s cool to lift in a piece that has been in the family. I hope to one day I’ll pass it on too.

  1. Briefs.

Even if you’re a raw lifter and have no intention of ever competing equipped, I suggest getting a pair of briefs to train in. They are so much fun, they provide support and compression, and they allow you train overloaded. I always have a pair of training briefs in my bag even when I’m traveling in case I’m feeling beat up and need some extra support.

  1. Bands.

Bands are one of the most versatile pieces of equipment anyone can have. They don’t take up much space and the possibilities in ways to use them are endless. I use them to warm up with primarily. You can’t go wrong with having a set of mini bands in your bag at all times.

  1. Pso Rite.

I work a desk job for the most part. It’s a lot of sitting and working on a computer which isn’t ideal for anyone. I take walks throughout the day and try to move around as much as possible, but nothing ever seems to release my psoas and quell low back tightness quite like a pso rite. That’s why I keep that thang on me.

  1. Wet wipes.

You know why…

  1. Marucci (hitters grip spray).

I picked this one up from Jimmy Kolb. He introduced me to Marucci several years ago and I always have it in my bag for benching.

Open back shirt + slick bench pad + sweaty body = loss of tension, poor set up, and trash leg drive.

Spray a little marooch on your back and you’re all set. If you use it, be sure to step away from other people because it smells like Jo Ann Fabrics exploded.

  1. Bluetooth speaker.

I always have it with me, but I don’t always use it. It’s more of an emotional support piece of equipment. I like to know that I have the power to DJ during training if needed. I’d also like to issue an apology to anyone I’ve ever trained with who has been subject to my music taste.

I use the JBL Flip 5 and its corn colored…obviously.

  1. Straps.

Relying too much on your straps for pulling can come back and bite you. On the flip side, not relying on them for accessory movements can also backfire. If you have heavy dumbbell work, get out the straps. Your gains will thank you because you can use them to push movements where the intent is hypertrophy and not grip strength.

  1. A spray bottle of water.

A pro-tip I picked up from Dave Tate. Training in equipment is HOT…not glamorous/sexy hot…literally warm. A lot of gyms don’t have AC either. If you have a handy dandy spray bottle of water, you can use it to mist your face to cool off and to get that beautiful workout glow. Just be careful and make sure you label it, so you don’t accidentally spray your face with cleaning solution.

What are some of your training must-have items? Comment below!


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