custom home gym

Brandon Campbell Diamond, or Basement Brandon as his followers know him best, is a home gym and basement gym reviewer who has seen absolutely smashing success in the gym equipment review space. His name comes up in the same conversations as Adam with Garage Gym Lab and Coop at Garage Gym Reviews. Not only is Brandon focused on high quality and honest reviews, his aesthetic and color scheme in his basement gym are absolutely epic. The video production is in line with a professional editing team, and his takes on equipment are excellent.

In this episode, we discuss a whole host of topics like what it's like to be a home gym reviewer, if it pays the bills, custom manufacturing and how other home gym owners can get custom pieces, and his powerlifting career to date. This was a great interview and you won't want to miss it!

I also push Brandon to answer the most pressing question he's frequently asked on podcasts - you might say it's the question everyone always wants to know the answer to, like he's the only man standing in a sea of naysayers...listen to the end to find out.




Checkout Basement Brandon on Youtube at

The FreedomCast Podcast was started by a guy buying and selling fitness equipment in his backyard. In less than a year, I quit my full-time job, and started a fitness empire. I now interview unique and interesting entrepreneurs in the health and fitness industry who have built businesses around helping others become more active. It's fun, it's entertaining, it's informative, it's what fitness should be.

FreedomCast is supported by Freedom Fitness Equipment, based in Charlotte, North Carolina!



Brandon campbell diamondCustom home gymFreedomcast podcastHome gym builders

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