Used Free Weights
The prospect of building a home gym can be overwhelming and intimidating, as there is a lot of planning that needs to go into the feat. One thing that can be particularly cumbersome is the search for equipment. Let's break down the search for used free weights into three easy, manageable steps that will have you building your home gym in no time.

1. Take Inventory

Architecture, Blueprint, Floor Plan

When starting any new project it's essential to have a blueprint of what you want the final product to look like. The process of building a home gym is no different. Without a blueprint, you're going to move forward in a less intentional manner, and though you can make steps in a forward direction, it is far more efficient to move along a projected path. Get organized so this project doesn't take longer than necessary!

With an idea of what kind of equipment you want your home gym to have, it is essential to assess what kinds of free weights you are going to need in order to turn your idea into a reality. Here are some questions you can ask yourself as you're taking inventory:

Are you searching for plates to go with your barbells and squat rack?

Are you looking to work your entire body with a set of dumbbells and exercise bands?

What accessories do you still need in order to reach your goals - of having a home gym and that dream body - in a way that maximizes performance and safety?

2. Make a Budget

Ah, the budget, one of the many tools necessary for any project. It is important to determine how much you're able and willing to spend on your gym. Set boundaries around money and around what items you do and don't need, especially when you're beginning - you will encounter a lot of neat pieces of gym equipment in your search, whether it be dumbbells, machines, barbells, bands or plates, and you need to ensure you don't lose focus.

On this note, don't restrict yourself either; listen to the opinion of people who know more about this than you and be open to change based on the advice they offer.

3. Start Your Search

black and gray exercise equipment

So, where exactly should you start your search for used weights for sale? There are a number of options out there, but I will offer three to you that I have had experience with.

Facebook Marketplace (and Other Similar Sites)

Facebook Marketplace and similar sites - such as Craig's List, eBay and VarageSale - are forgotten treasure troves of opportunity for those looking to buy used free weights for a reasonable price. I have personally helped friends pick up pieces of equipment from online market vendors, and I have sought equipment on such sites as well. If you're lucky, someone might just want the stuff out of their house, allowing you to go home with gym equipment for a very reasonable price.

Local Gyms

Sometimes a local gym will go out of business or decide to completely revamp their brand and, occasionally, sell their equipment. During the lockdown a couple years ago, my brother and I were looking into purchasing free weights from a gym in this scenario. While it didn't work out, it was an awesome opportunity to obtain high-quality equipment for a fairly reasonable price.

Though it's a pretty rare occurrence, it is a good opportunity to keep an eye out for.

Gym Equipment Retailers

Fitness, Dumbbells, Training, Gym

Gym equipment retailers such as ours are arguably the best choice for those interested in shopping for used free weights. We know our equipment and can make professional recommendations about pieces that will aid your pursuit of your specific fitness goals, whether they include muscle growth, fat loss or increased functionality. Showing you options for equipment around our store will allow you to set a baseline for top quality used free weights, which you could either purchase or use as a standard going forward in your search.


blue and black nike athletic shoes

The search for used free weights doesn't have to be intimidating or scary. The best place to start is at a shop that sells used gym equipment, as employees will provide valuable pieces of information for you whether you decide to buy or continue your search elsewhere. However, other online marketplaces can produce pieces of free weights, including dumbbells, exercise bands, barbells and plates.


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