Building a garage or home gym can be an awesome experience.
Like Mel Gibson in Braveheart, you are screaming "Freeeeedddooommm" as you break away from not only your membership fees but your commute to the local gym.
You begin to picture the perfect setup - dumbbells here, power rack there, maybe even squeeze in a cardio machine?! You pick the perfect barbell and now need the plates to match it. But, to your horror, you realize you have spent every dollar budgeted on all the other equipment (who knew the price of new gym equipment could be so expensive?).
You've got a couple of options here. First, you can get another job to afford brand-new weights. Now, this isn't a bad idea, but maybe see what your friends and family think about you being gone a little more for the next 6 months. The second option is probably going to be a much better bet - just buy used weights.
Used weights are a great option for your home or garage gym. Before we discuss where to find used weights for sale, let's first talk about why we love used weights.
Benefits of Used Weights
#1) Price
This is the biggest one for sure. Buying used weights for sale off of Facebook Marketplace or another used weights outlet is going to save you quite a lot of money when compared to buying new weights for sale from most websites.
Buying new dumbbells or, really any new weights, is going to be pricier. Typically, you will see rubber dumbbells sold for around $2/pound.
Now, this can significantly vary by company and even the size of the dumbbells. Typically, you can expect the smaller dumbbells to be more expensive per pound and the larger, heavier dumbbells (i.e. the ones you are buying). Now if you are buying used dumbbells, you can often find them for around half the price. This will take some looking and searching, but it's gotta be better than that second job, right?!
Another thought with cost is shipping. If you buy from a local source, you can pick up the used weights. This is huge because shipping 300 pounds of weights - as you can imagine - is expensive. Don't let shipping stand in your way.
When building your garage gym, there are two huge constraints that typically limit homeowners from building the perfect space, #1) having enough money and #2) having enough space. Let's do everything we can to stretch that budget and make sure #1 isn't a worry that crosses your mind.
#2) Quality
Now, obviously, the quality of new equipment is going to be great (assuming it was manufactured well), what we mean by quality here is quality for the price.
When looking at purchasing weights for your gym, you aren't gaining a whole lot by purchasing new weights. Typically, they are a little bit shinier, a little less banged up, and have a unique smell. Now these are all good things if we are going to display the dumbbells or weights as artwork in your living room - could be cute. But of course, we aren't trying to win any beauty pageants over here. You are trying to get stronger, leaner, more fit, or whatever other goal you may have.
As long as the weights are not chipped, sharp, or presenting any other safety risk, they will give you the same workout and stimulus as the shiny new weights.
Your muscles don't care whether the weights are brand-new rubber-coated hex or older cast iron dumbbells.
You've probably heard your grandma say, "Son, they just don't make things like they used to." Well, grandma has never been wrong and this is no exception. This is another pro to the quality of used gym equipment. Now, as with anything, it depends on brand, material, etc. However, in general those old cast iron or steel dumbbells or weight plates last forever. Even if they look a little outdated or out of style, they should get the job done quite well.
Finally, by purchasing used weights you are also making sure there is one less set of lonely used weights. You know, what I'm talking about, used weights sitting in dark garages, spare bedrooms, or old basements. They are dusty, sad, and begging to be used. Consider helping them out.
In all reality, if they are cheaper, the same quality, and you can put used weights to use that were otherwise just going to sit there, there really aren't many downsides here.
So, now that you are convinced. You would never imagine buying new weights. More expensive, the same quality, and for what? A nice shine. I know right.
Now, let's get to the list. After all, you are going to need to know where you can find these used weights for sale.
Here are the Top 5 Ways to Find Used Weights for Sale:
1. Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist

While I'm not entirely sure anyone still uses Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace is a great place to begin your search.
All jokes aside, both platforms can offer a wide variety of home gym equipment at a more reasonable price when compared to buying new.
When using these sites make sure you try multiple different keywords (not necessarily "used weights for sale") such as the brand you are looking for or what type of equipment you are looking for (weight plates). Don't be afraid to search more broadly for "gym equipment" or "fitness."
Often listings have multiple different pieces of equipment so finding exactly what you are looking for may take a little more of a broad search.
Now is also a great time to check out these sites.
With Covid in the rear view, many people who started a home gym during lockdown are realizing it wasn't what they expected - which means savings for you on your weight plates. Add in a little expert negotiation, and you could save some serious money.
2. eBay
What you get with eBay is the opposite of sites like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. With eBay, you get more detailed listings and a wider variety - win, win right?!
However, the biggest issue here is the shipping price.
As you can imagine, shipping weights is quite expensive. This is something to be aware of when buying plates new as well. The good news is many listings on eBay offer local pickup, so if you see one in your area this could be a great option for your used gym equipment and the weight plates you need in your life fitness journey.
3. A Used Sports Store
These stores are somewhat common, think of places like Play It Again Sports. They offer everything from hockey sticks to golf clubs. They also generally offer a decent size selection of dumbbell sets and weights for sale. While certainly cheaper than buying plates brand new, this type of store can tend to be more expensive than buying directly from another person.
When buying at these stores, and in general, make sure the weights are good quality - not chipped or rusted.
If they are, it is not the end of the world, but be sure to not pay top dollar.